Important! Do not use GPS it will lead you on small forest roads.
Use the road description below.

From Stockholm or Jönköping E4

From E4 take "Mjölby V" exit. Take road 32 towards Boxholm. In Boxholm drive towards Malexander. In Malexander drive through the village until the sign "Hotell Sommarhagen".

From Kisa

In Kisa drive towards Österbymo road 134. After 7 km turn right towards Malexander (look for sign). 1 km before Malexander turn right at the sign "Hotell Sommarhagen".

It is also possible to get here by public transport.
Then you go by train or bus to Boxholm. For timetable information click here

Then order taxi, which runs the route Boxholm - Sommarhagen

Weekdays 9.00 – 12.00
17.00 – 22.00
Saturdays 9.00 – 17.00
Sundays 9.00 – 17.00

To order, call 046771711020 at least 2 hours before arrival

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